Our Story

Hello, thank you for having a look at our site. We're Belle and Chris and we run EventsAlbum. We built EventsAlbum initially for our wedding as we couldn't find anything on the market which worked for us. Originally it was just going to be for our wedding but as we built it, we started to realise other people may want to use it, not just for their weddings but for other events as well.

This is the story of how EventsAlbum came to be.

Picture frame with QR code and instructions for guests

We got engaged in December 2018 and booked our wedding for 8th June 2019. In the lead up to our wedding we were looking for a way to capture all the photos our guests took at our wedding. Looking around at products already on the market, everything out there needed our guests to create an account and in most cases download an app.

We saw this as a big problem, we couldn't see ourselves doing this at someone else's wedding, so couldn't see our guests doing it at ours. As far as we were concerned, the process needed to be as simple and pain free for our guests as possible to get them to actually use it.

We also looked at options such as using Instagram #hashtags but not everyone was on Instagram, the same was true with using a Facebook page and with both of those options the quality of the photos would be reduced once they were uploaded. If there was one we wanted to print we'd have to hope the person who took it still had the original and would send it to us..

So, with a tight deadline of our wedding date, we set about building EventsAlbum. The plan was to use QR codes to make it simple for our guests to upload their photos, making sure they didn't have to fill out any details in order to upload. It was also essential that after the wedding we would be able to download all the photos our guests uploaded in the full resolution they uploaded them, unlike if they were shared via Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp . We wanted to be able to print any great photos our friends took.

Then, almost by mistake, we came up with the idea to have a livestream of the photos on a screen at the wedding. Without realising, we'd stumbled upon the perfect way to get all our guests engaged in the process and get them all uploading their photos so they could bring them up on the screen.

Wedding couple

On the day it was a huge success, the screen had everyone involved and uploading loads of photos of our big day we would never have otherwise seen. We printed the QR code on the back of the menus and put it up on signs around the venue like the one in the picture above.

We gathered a few hundred photos through EventsAlbum, there were a lot of photos of people messing about and having fun with it but in amongst them there were some great shots and a good few we will get printed to display and cherish the memories of the day forever.

We hope that EventsAlbum can be as great for you at your event as it was for us at our wedding. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions at all.


Belle and Chris