What Are The Newest QR Trends in the Event Space?

QR codes are increasingly utilised by marketers. Adding QR tools to physical marketing tools such as flyers, posters, and even business cards is a great way to encourage engagement with prospective customers and leads. It is also a valuable way of providing them with access to valuable additional information.
But marketers are also utilising QR codes in the event space. QR technology has developed incredibly quickly, and as it continues to evolve, it can be hard to know how best to use it in the events arena. So, what are the newest QR trends in the event space? And how successful are these trends? Here’s everything you need to know:
Interactive Experiences
QR codes can be used to provide event attendees with access to interactive experiences, such as the virtual gamification of an exhibit or display. QR codes encourage event attendees to interact with hands-on content in a way that they may not have felt comfortable doing so in the past. Attendees only need to use the camera on their smartphones to engage with new content quickly and easily. Marketers should be using this content to excite their customers about their brands, creating positive, feel-good experiences. They will then associate those positive feelings with the brand that brought them the experience. Virtual reality and immersive gamification are hot trends in the events space, and QR codes can be used to tap into this.
Engaging with Video Content
One of the most common ways that QR codes are being used in the event arena is to encourage attendees to engage with video content. QR codes can be included in displays that link to an expanding video: This video should enhance the physical display and further promote your product, whilst having an entertainment value.
But as well as utilising QR code technology to share more information about your brand with your customers, you can also use QR codes in a reciprocal way, generating content, and engaging with your customer base directly. EventsAlbum is an online album which enables your guests to use a QR code to easily share all their photos from your event. This is a great way to make your event attendees feel valued and engaged with your business. What’s more, viewing their photos and images will give you a unique perspective on your event. You can then use this content for social media and other marketing tools, utilising user-generated content captured via QR code to advertise your brand to a wider audience.
At a basic level, QR codes are fantastic design additions to physical marketing tools. If you consider taking their use a step further, QR codes could enable you to organise a completely paper-free event. Event registration, check-in, information and unique brand experiences can all be orchestrated via QR code. The global QR code market is forecast to grow to $1268.1 million by 2026: a significant increase from its value of $916.7 million in 2020. Far from being a gimmick, QR codes are here to stay, and they have the potential to completely revolutionise the modern events space.