Best Practices for Event Photo Sharing Apps

Photo sharing apps are soaring in popularity and it’s easy to see why. They make sharing special photos and magical memories easier and more efficient than ever before. We know that gathering photos from events can be time-consuming and stressful.
But in our increasingly social media driven society, it’s important that events are documented efficiently and that images can be both saved and shared. When using photo sharing apps it is important that they are used effectively.
Wondering how? Here are some best practices for using event photo sharing apps.
Pre-event Planning
One of the best ways to ensure any event photo sharing apps are used effectively is to set them up before an event. You might want to consider letting your event attendees know which photo sharing app you will be using before the event so that they can be ready to share too.
If you are considering using EventsAlbum for your event then the easiest way to do this would be to include the QR code for your event with the event invitation or any follow up email, for example. For other apps, you may need to send a link and ensure your guests have this downloaded before they arrive. Alternatively, you could offer free Wi-Fi so that these can be downloaded by your attendees as they arrive.
Consider printing signs which can be hung around the venue in advance with the sharing link or code printed clearly, and encouraging attendees to share their photographs.
Engaging Attendees
It doesn’t matter what app you choose to use or how prepared you are, if your event attendees don’t choose to share their photos then you won’t have gathered the imagery you need. That’s why it’s so important to engage your guests and encourage attendee participation.
You can do this by informing attendees before an event that image sharing will be encouraged. The most common mistake people make when taking photos at an event is sharing photos without permission: but if people know they are going to be photographed, they are more likely to want to share their own imagery.
You should also consider setting up engaging areas attendees will want to take photos of. For casual events, photo booths are a good example of this, while plenty of aesthetically pleasing products are a great choice for a product launch.
Finally don’t forget to have lots of reminders around your event space for attendees to share their images. You could even introduce an incentive, such as a prize draw that attendees are entered into when they choose to share.
Post-event Follow Up
When you’ve gathered all of the images from your event, it’s important that you store and preserve these properly. The images you gather become a vital resource for future marketing campaigns and social media publication, and they should be treated as valuable.
Different apps will store your pictures in different ways and it’s important you know what to expect in advance. If your event is of a sensitive nature, involves children, or your attendees are unlikely to want their images shared in the public domain then it’s important that you consider this when choosing your app.
When you use EventsAlbum your upload page then remains open for a full year after the event date so that attendees can share their photos after the event, and images are private until you choose to share them. This makes it a great tool for events of all themes and sizes.
The most important things to remember when using photo sharing apps are to prepare, engage and preserve. Photo sharing apps are a wonderful tool for events planners as they make gathering and sharing images easier than ever before. Photos are a currency, and the more of these you have to work with the better. Try a free demo today.