Wedding Photo Sharing Apps vs WhatsApp

Your wedding day is one of the happiest days of your life, so it makes sense that after the ‘big day’, you will want to share your photos far and wide. But what is the best way to share your wedding photos? Some couples choose to share their images on social media, but if you do this then you can’t control who can see your photos. More private newlyweds prefer to control who has access to their images by using photo sharing apps or WhatsApp to share their wedding snaps. But which option is right for you?
Here’s everything you need to know about comparing wedding photo sharing apps with sharing photos via WhatsApp:
Using WhatsApp For Wedding Photo Sharing
WhatsApp is an easy and convenient way to share photos. You can simply add your friends or family members to a WhatsApp group and then send over all of your favourite wedding photos. Using WhatsApp is free, and most people are already using the app. However, if this sounds too good to be true that’s probably because it is. There are also some drawbacks to using WhatsApp for photo sharing.
Firstly, you can only send up to 100 photos or videos via WhatsApp at any one time. So if you have taken more photos than this, you will have to break them down into more manageable chunks. Secondly, sending and downloading photos via WhatsApp can be time-consuming as you are dependent on a speedy Wi-Fi speed for your transfer to be successful.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if you choose to remove yourself from a chat group then you will lose access to all of the photos within that group. And given that social media and messenger apps are constantly changing or installing updates, you may find that you can’t save the images within the group to your own device. For this reason, WhatsApp is a great tool for sharing quick snaps from parties but shouldn’t be relied on to share photos from events as important as a wedding.
Using Photo Sharing Apps For Wedding Photo Sharing
By contrast, when you choose to share your wedding photos via a designated photo sharing app, you know that your photos will be stored in a way that is safe and secure. When you go back to look at them at a later date, they will still be there.
Photo sharing apps also allow users to share their photos instantly. You can upload your photos and ensure that they can only be seen by your chosen audience in just a few clicks and a matter of seconds. You can either limit access to your family and friends, or lock down your photos further so that access is by invite only.
Websites like EventsAlbum even allow wedding photos to be shared by your wedding guests when they’re still at the event, simply by scanning a QR code. If you want to control your images, ensure that they are safe and won’t become lost, and make accessing your wedding photos easy and accessible, then a photo sharing app is likely to be the best option for you.